In this video, we show you how to send emails and email templates from records in NetSuite.
Welcome back. In the last lesson, I showed you how to create an email template in Netsuite. In this lesson, I'm going to show you how you could use that email template.
So let's take a look. Here we are on our dashboard. In the last example, we talked about sending an invoice notification to a customer. So let's go to an invoice and then we'll see how we can use that template. So if we go to our recent records here, I have an invoice at the top here, so let's click on that and it brings us to this open invoice to the customer. 21 Johnson And that's for totaling $20,000. So we've got this invoice here.
Now, the way that we're going to get to sending an email is if we go down to this sub tab here called communication, and that's in the middle here. But depending on your setup in Netsuite, that might be far to the left, that may be far over to the right. Depends on your setup. So it's not always going to be in the same place, but you should have a sub tab there that says communication and you can click on it and then it will have this sub list here that gives several options. But messages is the one we want to look at. So if we scroll down, we have a few different options.
But really what we're going to focus on in this lesson is this email. So let's click on that and we get this little pop up. So this is basically allowing us to email something related to this invoice. So it pulls from the invoice immediately. So for example, it pulled that the customer was 21. Johnson But 21 Johnson actually doesn't have an email address associated with that customer. So in this case, we do have Sharon Holden, who's also a contact with 21 Johnson. So we're going to change the recipient to Sharon Holden, and that does have an email address associated with it.
You can also, if you know the email address you want to send it to, you can just type it in here. But there does have to be an email address obviously, and that email is coming from you whatever log you're in. So in this case, I'm with Kathryn so the Kathryn email will be the one that's originating this email to, in this case, Sharon Holden at So just be aware of that.
And then when you look down here, you can also add additional recipients. Maybe you want to invoke some other people at the company or potentially your sales manager so you can add those people in here. So it has all the different entities available. You can add them in, you can specify their email address. You can also clarify are they being added as is it going to them? Are they included as a carbon copy or is it a BCC? So you can put all that information in there and we're going to go to messages or message and that's really the body of the email.
Now we take a look here. You notice it's going to be a lot like the template that we just looked at, right? It's got this category at the top. We didn't set any category because there's only like three template emails that we had. So we didn't really need a category. But you could specify the category which will narrow down the templates you have available. But let's just click on the one we made, which was invoice notification one. So we click on that and notice it immediately puts in that subject line that we had. It also gives us that little email that we had written and, and then we have that field type in insert field. So if we do want to add something else, we have that option still available to us.
So one additional thing I'm going to show you is this attachments tab. If you click on that, this allows you to attach additional things to this email. Now, in this case, we're sending this email off of an invoice, so it automatically has this button here which says include transaction. So that's basically saying it's automatically going to include that invoice in the email. And the way it's going to include it is as type default. So most users have the default set as HTML, which means that that invoice information is going to be included as text in the body of the email. So they're going to get an email that says, you know, Dear John, thank you so much for your order and that it's going to have literally typed out the invoice data, you know, invoice number, blah, total number, blah, right there.
If you don't want that, if you prefer to be a PDF attachment, then that's easy. You can either set it as your user preferences. So whenever you're sending an email, it always defaults to PDF. You can go to user preferences and be able to set that, or you can just click here and take it off of default and click PDF in which case it would attach it as a PDF. So we're just going to leave it as default for now. And down here you can attach additional files, maybe there's additional records or something you want to include with this invoice. But in this case it's fine that we have this checked that's sending the invoice. That's all we want to send for now.
So we're going to leave that alone and we're going to go back to message. Good. We have our message there and our header, our subject line. So we're going to go back to recipients. We're sending it to share and hold on that should be fine. So one last thing before I send this. If you get a preview, it's going to pull up a little window and it's going to show you what your email will actually look like. So in this case, we have the subject of your invoice number, A notice the set of Dynamic field, right? So it plugged in 21 Johnson Because of that dynamic field and it also plugged in this value, right? We see that value over here. That is the full value of the invoice. So I dynamically plug those numbers in and obviously this is just an example of an email, but you'll see the for whatever you typed out will be there. And then of course, if there's any attachments, those will also be attached on there.
So everything's looking good. So we're going to go down to merge and send. So that was successful. And now if you notice down here, there's this little field. Now, this was empty before, but now it record. It's all of the different communications related to that invoice. So you can see here we have the date and the time that it was sent, who it came from. In this case, Kathryn Glass, who It went to subject matter, it shows that it was an email specifically that there was attachments and so includes all that data there. So if there's in maybe many different communications or emails associated with that invoice, you'll see them all listed there. So you can kind of easily see what's been the back and forth related to that transaction.
So that's been attaching the email template that we made from the last lesson for this invoice. But let's take a look at how you could do it for maybe a customer. So if we go back over to our recent records, let's go to this recent customer 14 Above the Cloud. So this is a customer we can do a similar thing here. If we scroll down. Notice again, we have that communications tab. In this case, it's on the far left and if we go down, notice we have messages here. So let's click on that. And again, you know, we get this kind of listing that shows all of the back and forth communications that we've had with this customer. It's all listed there and we can take a look at all those emails if we wanted to understand what's been happening with this customer. So we've got that all there.
And if we want to send an email to this person, we would just hit email, pulls up this window. Same thing in this case is plugging in this specific customer and everything is exactly as I just showed you with that invoice example. So I'm going to close that.
The last thing I want to talk about is if you go over here to preferences in the sub tab, There's an option over here that says send transactions via email, print, fax. Now, if you click email, basically what that's doing is it means that any transactions that occur and are related to this customer will immediately and automatically send in an email to that customer regarding that transaction. So let's say a sales order is generated with that customer, an email automatically gets sent out to that customer, an invoice, etc. So And again, in a lot of cases that's very valuable. I do want to just kind of caution you on that though, because it's going to send everything and it's not going to check with you beforehand. It's just going to send an email out. So if there if you don't necessarily want everything sent, you just want invoices sent, then there's more elaborate ways to kind of set up that workflow and we'll show you in later videos how to do that. So again, it's just a word of warning that can be a very helpful option. But just make sure you're fully aware of what that's going to do and that you're not selecting it without being aware of the ramifications.
So that's another option you have available. And that's it for sending emails in NetSuite. I'll see you in the next lesson.