In this video, we take a look at the basic structure of all records in NetSuite and how to easily navigate them. This includes everything from Sales Orders, Customers, Purchase Orders and Invoices, to Contacts, Bills and Cases.
Welcome back. In this video, I'm going to show you how to navigate through records, because while there's many different types of records, they all have the same basic patterns that they're built off of. There are certain functions that you're going to see on all different records, and they're organized in certain ways. So once you can understand that, even if you're dealing with a record that you've never seen before or you just don't have any familiarity with, you're going to understand where to look for information and what options you have available.
So let's take a look at a basic record and some of the patterns that are built into that. So here we are on our home page, and I'm just going to go over to recent records and just pull up a basic in this case is a customer record. So here we are in a pretty generic customer record. And what you're going to see at the top is this dark blue bar. As I explained in a previous video. That's the navigation bar. So that navigation bar and everything that's above it, that's going to be the same no matter what you're on. It is just locked in. So every record is just going to be the information that's below that bar. So think with that. That's kind of a stable concept that you can keep in mind.
And the first thing, if we're just to kind of take it from top to bottom left to right, the first thing you see here is the icon for that record type. So in this case, it's a customer record. So it has a little customer icon and then it tells you what type of record you're looking at. So you're going to see that. And then below that, we have the record ID. So in this case, we're dealing with the ABC company and the record ID specifically is 78 ABC Company. So of all the different customers, they have a little number at the front of them. So this one is 78 ABC Company and next you're going to see these buttons here.
Right now we're just viewing the page. But if you might not have this option, if you're just a user, but administrators in other terminals will have the ability to edit certain records. So you'll see this edit button here if you have that permission. And that allows you to go in and change the information in these various places. So that's a key one to know you have the ability to go back. Let's say you went on a previous record and you can see this one. You can just simply go back to that.
Now, here, just for this particular because we're on a customer, we see accept payment. There can actually be a few different buttons there. If you're on an invoice or sales order, that button will be different and it'll kind of be progressing. You oftentimes if you're in a process flow, it'll be progressing. You take kind of a next step for that record. So that can change depending on the record, because you'll see some common buttons here that are applicable for whatever record you're on.
And then you have the this is kind of a print button. So obviously, as for printing things, you can also create PDFs Using that, you have the over here, the new record, create new record. Now you notice over in the top right here, you have the same button. So the difference is that top one is simply creating just a standalone new record. It's going to be blank. You're going to create that new record. This one here is going to create a new record that's tied to and associated with the record you're currently on. So if you make, for example, a sales order, it's going to be a sales order tied to that customer. If it's a task, it's going to be a task associated with that customer. So it's create new related to this record.
Then we have the actions. Just have a little dropdown menu that gives you several different options. A common one that you might want to look at, especially from like invoices or sales orders. You can look at the general ledger impact for that record. So that's a common one to go to, but it really depends on the record type to know what kind of actions. You kind of just have to hover over to be able to see what you're dealing with.
Then if we go over to the top right here, we have list. I’m actually going to open that up, because Basically what list does is, let’s say in this case we have a customer It’s going to pull up. That type of record is going to pull up a full list of all the different records. In this case all the different customers we have. So if I go up here I'm going to see now I have this long list. I can scroll down, has all of these different customers in list form. So that can be very helpful if you kind of you're down into one specific record, like a sales order and you go, Oh, well, maybe there's another sales. Where do you want to take a look at? Or Where does this fit into things? You can always hit that list option and that will give you the entire list.
Next, we have view, dashboard and Search. So those respectively will show you a dashboard specifically for that thing. So in this case, this customer, it will basically pull up a dashboard for that person. And then search allows you to really look into certain parameters for, again, whatever record you're specifically on. And this case is ABC Company. So I'm not going to be pulling those up in this particular video, but those can be helpful in certain circumstances.
So now that we're through that, basically everything we had here notice we have the dark blue bar, the navigation bar at the top and the dark blue bar at the bottom. Everything here that's in the middle, this is all considered the header for this record. It's also referred to as the main section for this record. So that's all your key information and is highly customizable. So what you see here is not necessarily going to in fact, in most cases it won't match a different record that you're on or even a customer for your organization might be. Customize to look quite different from this.
So things like these light blue bars here, those are just subsections that have been set up for this particular company and for this particular record. So in the fields here, you know, the fact that there's many of them, there can be few of them. They can be placed in a different order. That's all completely customizable. But just the basic concept is that all the key information is put into the header. So that's your header.
And then when you go down, you're then going to have your subtab bar. So this has in this case we've got communication sub tab sales, subs have all of these different things. It's best to think about it almost like the roots of a tree. So the header is at the base and then the roots start branching out. So as we get to communications, it's got a lot of features under it. Then we click sales. It's got a bunch of other features and information, and the same applies to any one of these. Sometimes they'll all pull out different things relating to that sub tab. In this case, we see financial related information. All that's included underneath.
So once you get below the sub tab, this is not going to be in every case. But I'll give you an example where you will see it. If we got a communication notice, there's this light blue bar here and it's got activities, messages, files and user notes. Those are all called sub lists. So again, that those routes are branching out further. So within communication, you can go to messages or you can go to activities. So there's all these, these different options and they all relate to communications for that record. So they simply are they're just branching out further and further as they're going down.
And at the bottom here, we have the exact same thing. Notice these options here. If we go to the top, it's the exact same buttons. It's simply for especially for long records, you want to have the options at the top. But if you're scrolling all the way to the bottom, you don't really want to go up all the way to the top just to hit a button. So they give you the exact same buttons way at the bottom.
And that's it for navigating a basic record. I'll see you in the next video.